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ICDOC - Iowa City Dog Obedience Club

ICDOC Hall of Fame Program

Through the Hall of Fame (HOF) Award, the Iowa City Dog Obedience Club recognizes the achievements of those dogs attaining a high level of titling in AKC, UKC and AMBOR obedience, agility and tracking. Specifically, dogs receiving this honor will have accumulated at least 60 points by:

  • Earning the AKC/UKC/AMBOR Utility Dog title (required),
  • Earning additional points from AKC/UKC/AMBOR agility, and/or,
  • Earning additional points from AKC/AMBOR tracking.

Points are calculated from this schedule:

Title*PointsSecond Title* Points
CD & U-CD53
CDX & U-CDX105
UD & U-UD2010
UDX & U-UDX3015

*All titles must be earned. Reciprocal titles, such as AMBOR awards for ASCA or UKC titles, are not counted. Also, accumulative titles are not counted (see note about the CT title).

**AMBOR dogs must successfully run a second certification track within one year of the first certification track and within four attempts. This brings the AMBOR TD tracking title in line with the requirements for dogs earning the AKC tracking title.

***No points are awarded for the CT since it is an accumulative title automatically awarded by earning all three tracking titles.

In addition, the owner of the dog must be a member of ICDOC at the time the dog completes the requirements, and must be a member at the time the application for the award is submitted. The award is retroactive to the formation date of the club, but is only available to a dog whose owner was a member of ICDOC at the time the dog would have completed the requirements, and is a member at the time the application for the award is submitted. The Board has the right to overlook the membership requirements for the retroactive award in what it sees as special circumstances.

The owner, or any club member, makes application for the HOF award by submitting photocopies of the titles, along with the dog's biography and photo to the ICDOC Board of Directors. The Board will approve the HOF award for dogs meeting the requirement.

The award, consisting of a special trophy plus the usual magnetic plate for the general club award plaque, will be presented at the ICDOC annual awards banquet, and the dog's photo and biography will be added to the ICDOC Hall of Fame page on the website.


    The first recipients will be announced in January, 2004.

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